About Me My name is Torsten Heinrich; I am an economist by training, but I am convinced that understanding the economy requires an interdisciplinary, complexity-oriented view.
It is my conviction that, with the rise of computational methods, economics is entering a phase of transformation, innovation, and fundamental change. Network theory, multi-agent systems, stochastic and evolutionary dynamics, and complex systems science have huge potential for economics. The importance of interdisciplinary research is enormous.
If we proceed with ingenuity, imagination, and audacity, we can hope emerge with a more rigorous understanding of economics, more powerful methods, and perhaps a more responsible role in the world. At times in the past, we failed to anticipate change, we failed to anticipate crises and recessions. We shall not fail again.
Short Bio I studied economics at the Dresden University of Technology (Dresden, Germany) and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Madrid, Spain) graduating in 2007. I received my PhD from the University of Bremen, Germany, in 2011 with a thesis on technological change and growth patterns in the presence of network effects. Working on complexity systems, agent-based modeling, simulation and strategic games in economics, I edited special issues in scientific journals and authored both journal articles and monographs. Having held post-doc positions at the University of Bremen (Bremen, Germany), at INET Oxford and at OMPTEC at the Oxford Martin School of the University of Oxford (Oxford, UK), I accepted an appointment at the Chemnitz University of Technology (Chemnitz, Germany) in 2020. I hold the chair for microeconomics (VWL II) in Chemnitz.
Me Online
I contribute to a few open source software projects, most notably the Finity R package.
You can find me IDEAS/RePEc, GitHub, StackExchange, Twitter Mastodon, LinkedIn, and the websites of the TU Chemnitz, OMPTEC Oxford and INET Oxford. You will not be able to find me on Facebook, Google Plus, Weibo, Instagram, and the like. Please feel free to get in touch via email: torsten.heinrich wiwi.tu-chemnitz.de.